Digital Trust in Smart ICT (2017 - 2021) - ILNAS/UL

Following the successful launch of the University Certificate “Smart ICT for business innovation” in September 2015 at the University of Luxembourg in partnership with the Institut luxembourgeois de la normalisation, de l'accréditation, de la sécurité et qualité des produits et services (ILNAS); the interdisciplinary center for security reliability and trust (SnT) and ILNAS entered a partnership to jointly develop Luxembourg as a European centre of excellence and innovation for secure, reliable, and trustworthy Smart ICT systems and services.

Green@Cloud (2012-2016) - FNR CORE

Green@Cloud is an INTER CNRS-FNR project. This project is a collaboration between the Interdisciplinary Center of Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) of the University of Luxembourg and the Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Lille (LIFL) of the University of Lille 1 (France). The project Green@Cloud aims at developing an energy-aware scheduling framework able to reduce the energy needed for high-performance computing and networking operations in large-scale distributed systems (data centers, clouds, grids).

EvoPerf (2011-2015) - UL

EvoPerf is a University of Luxembourg project. This project takes place in the ILIAS laboratory of the Computer Science and Communications (CSC) Research unit. By choosing a system biomedicine application in collaboration with the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), EvoPerf aims at performing interdisciplinary research. EvoPerf aims at providing the bases for robust and performance guaranteed evolutionary computations. Such methods have a large spectrum of applications. Role: Work package leader